
For over 50 years, the Arkansas AFL-CIO has been dedicated to the rights and interests of Arkansas's working men and women. When working people come together, they make things better for everyone. Joining together in unions enables workers to negotiate for higher wages and benefits and improve conditions in the workplace. There are millions of union members in America from all walks of life. These individuals know that by speaking up together, you can accomplish more than you could on your own.

The Union Difference
Union members work together to negotiate and enforce a contract with management that guarantees the things you care about like decent raises, affordable health care, job security, and a stable schedule.
HigherWages | BetterBenefits | SaferWorkplace | Voice onthe job |
$191 per week than their nonunion counterparts. | More likely to have employer-provided pensions and health insurance. | Safe working conditions that prevent death, illness and injury. | Better workplaces and working conditions without the fear of retaliation. |

Happy National Apprenticeship Week!
Urgent Union Update
A New Way to File Taxes
Call: Paycheck Fairness Act
International Women’s Day
Pathway to Progress: The Pittston Coal Strike of 1989
Celebrating Leaders and Activists for Black History Month
Super Bowl 2023, Brought to You by Unions
Celebrating the FMLA